A Disney Broadway Junior Musical


OYES’ after school theater program operates similarly to an after-school music, dance, or sports program; an educational weekly class rehearsal culminating in a weekend of showcase performances.  Rehearsals include drama exercises and games to build performance skills, and rehearsal time to learn music, staging, and choreography for the show. Student actors often gain valuable communication and organizational skills while developing confidence and creative structure through the theatrical process!


There will be an early bird window for returning families from 7am-10am. Early bird link will be emailed directly (7am). General registration on the website will open at 10am.

REGISTRATION IS FULL AND THE WAITLIST IS OPEN. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to join the list.

Disney’s Newsies, Jr

A Broadway Junior Production

What is “Newsies” About?

Inspired by the real-life Newsboy Strike of 1899, where young newsboys, led by Kid Blink, took a stand against the powerful media giants Pulitzer and Hearst over unjust labor practices, the play’s themes are strikingly relevant to the social and political landscape of today.

Based on the beloved 1992 Disney film starring Christian Bale and Bill Pullman, Newsies made its Broadway debut in 2012. With music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Jack Feldman, and a book by Harvey Fierstein, this high-energy, dance-filled production features memorable songs like “Carrying the Banner,” “Santa Fe,” and “Seize the Day.”

Read about the true life origins of the Newsies’ story - click here


All roles to be played by any gender.

Skills and Learning Goals

  • Voice: Pitch, volume, mouth shapes and basic pronunciation

  • Memorization: Lyrics, blocking/staging, simple dance choreography

  • Stage presence: The Actor’s Toolkit (body, voice, imagination), Emotions, Stage Directions

  • Themes: Play/Improvisation/Creation vs Rehearsal, Repetition of learned material


  • Tableaus (stage picture and levels)

  • Scene Study

  • Improv! With JEST IMPROV and Alex Sattler, a graduate of the Conservatory Program at the Second City

  • Laban Movement Efforts


With specialized training in the Laban system and her extensive dance education, Emma-Rose Allen will guide students to grow and enhance their performance skills in focused Laban workshops.  We will dive deep into expressing emotions to tell a story,  and how to make engaging, unique choices, that bring our acting roles to life! We will explore Laban’s eight efforts through weight, space, time, and flow to create unforgettable performances that will shine in any audition or show.

To learn more about the Laban movement course, click here

Production Calendar

Sep 7-8 - Audition Workshops

Sep 9-12 - Auditions

Sep 16-19 - Start Weekly Rehearsals

Tuesdays, 4pm-6:30pm: Lions Cast (grades 2-6) - Shows Jan 31-Feb 2

• Wednesdays, 3:45pm-6:00pm: Bears 1 Cast (grades 6-10) - Shows Jan 17-19

• Wednesdays, 5:45pm-8:00pm: Bears 2 Cast (grades 6-10) - Shows Jan 24-26

• Thursdays, 4pm-6:30pm: Tigers Cast (grades 2-6) - Shows Feb 7-9

Sept 27 - Start Newsies Chorus Rehearsals

Fridays, 4:00-5:30pm (grades 4-10)

Oct 7 - Start Monkey’s Cast Rehearsals

• Mondays, 3pm-4:15pm: Monkeys Cast (grades 1-2, age 6-7) *Monkeys will perform with Lions & Tigers casts

What to Expect when Registering

PLEASE READ A few tips before you join!

  • If a cast fills up before you can register, it means the cast size limit has been reached, and no more roles are available.

  • Please prepare your student in advance, especially if they plan to register with friends. If your preferred cast is full, your student may need to join a different cast.

  • Review the schedule carefully. Ensure your student has no more than two conflicts. Absences during "tech week" rehearsals are not permitted. Sick days and emergencies are excused.

  • Students of any gender are eligible to play all Newsies roles.

Extra Newsies Classes!

Newsies Chorus

Get ready to experience the joy of singing and develop your vocal talents with Disney’s Newsies, Jr.! Through fun and engaging rehearsals, students will develop ear, pitch, and aural skills, while building a solid foundation in solfeggio, music literacy, and vocal production.

The Newsies Choir will take the stage in January, performing alongside the cast of Newsies, Jr. in full costume and choreography that perfectly complements the show.

Newsies Schedule

Bears 1 Cast (Grade 6-10)

Auditions: Mon, Sep 9, 4pm-7pm

Holiday Breaks: Nov 23-30, Dec 20 - Jan 3 

Class Rehearsals (starting Sep 18)

(over 70 hours of instruction and class rehearsal time)

Wednesdays • 3:45pm-6:00pm

Saturdays (combined with Bears 2)

  • Sept 28 • 1:30-4:00pm

  • Oct 5, 12, 26 • 1:30-4:00pm 

  •  Nov 9, 16 • 1:30-4:00pm 

  •  Dec 7, 14 • 1:30-4:00pm

  •  Jan 11 • 9:00am-1:00pm (tech)

Tech/Dress Rehearsals JAN 11-16 (NO ABSENCES PERMITTED):

Sat, Jan 11 • 9am-1pm

Mon, Jan 13 • 4:30pm-8:00pm

Tue, Jan 14 • 5pm-8pm

Wed, Jan 15 • 3:45-7pm

Thu, Jan 16 • 5pm-8pm 


Jan 17-19

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)

Bears 2 Cast (Grade 6-10)

Auditions: Wed, Sep 11, 4pm-7pm

Holiday Breaks: Nov 23-30, Dec 20 - Jan 3

Class Rehearsals (starting Sep 18)

(over 70 hours of instruction and class rehearsal time)

Wednesdays • 5:45pm-8:00pm

Saturdays (combined with Bears 1)

  • Sept 28 at 1:30-4:00pm

  • Oct 5, 12, 26 at 1:30-4:00pm 

  •  Nov 9, 16 at 1:30-4:00pm 

  •  Dec 7, 14 at 1:30-4pm

Tech/Dress Rehearsals JAN 20-23:


Mon, Jan 20 • 4:30pm-8:00pm

Tue, Jan 21 • 5pm-8pm

Wed, Jan 22 • 4pm-7:30pm

Thu, Jan 23 • 5pm-8pm 


Jan 24-26

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)

Lions Cast (Grade 2*-6)

(*updated to accept 2nd grade)

Auditions: Tue, Sep 10 • 4pm-7pm

Holiday Breaks: Nov 23-30, Dec 20 - Jan 3

Class Rehearsals (starting Sep 17)

(over 70 hours of instruction and class rehearsal time)

Tuesdays • 4:00-6:30pm

** Tuesdays, Jan 14, 21 • 3:30-5:00pm (early/short)


  •  Sept 28 • 9am-11am

  •  Oct 5, 12, 26 • 9am-11am 

  •  Nov 9, 16 • 9am-11am 

  •  Dec 7 • 9am-11am 

Tech/Dress Rehearsals JAN 27-30: 


Mon, Jan 27 • 4:00pm-7:30pm

Tue, Jan 28 • 3:30pm-7pm

Wed, Jan 29 • 3:30pm-7pm

Thu, Jan 30 • 5pm-7:30pm 


Jan 31-Feb 2

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)

Tigers Cast (Grade 2-5)

Auditions: Thu, Sep 12, 4pm-7pm

Holiday Breaks: Nov 23-30, Dec 20 - Jan 3

Class Rehearsals (starting Sep 19)

(over 70 hours of instruction and class rehearsal time)

Thursdays, 4:00-6:30pm

**Thursday, Jan 16, 23, 30 • 3:30-5:00pm (early/short)


Sep 28 • 11am-1pm

Oct 5, 12, 26 • 11am-1pm

Nov 9, 16 • 11am-1pm

Dec 7 • 11am-1pm

Tech/Dress Rehearsals FEB 3-6


Mon, Feb 3 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Tue, Feb 4 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Wed, Feb 5 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Thu, Feb 6 • 3:30pm-6:30pm


Jan Feb 7-9

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)

Monkeys Cast (Grade 1-2)

StarTS October 7th

Children will attend weekly class rehearsals where they’ll enjoy theater games, exercises, and learn choreography, music, and scenes for the play.

For performances, children in the Monkeys Cast will join the Lions and Tigers Casts. As newsies characters, they’ll rehearse a scene with speaking lines and 2-3 musical numbers for the Newsies Jr. performances.

Monkeys cast members will be assigned to either the Lions or Tigers cast for performances and will participate in Saturday rehearsals and Tech Week with their assigned group.

Auditions: Please submit a self-tape audition. Instructions to follow registration.

Class Rehearsals:

(over 30 hours of instruction and class rehearsal time)

Mondays • 3pm-4:15pm

Saturdays • 9am-11am 
(Lions cast) -OR- 11am-1pm (Tigers cast)

Nov 9, 16

Dec 7

Tech Rehearsals and Performances:

(During tech, actors rehearse with mics, lights, costumes, and technical crew)


Tech/Dress Rehearsals JAN 27-30  (NO ABSENCES PERMITTED):

Mon, Jan 27 • 4:00pm-7:30pm

Tue, Jan 28 • 3:30pm-7pm

Wed, Jan 29 • 3:30pm-7pm

Thu, Jan 30 • 5pm-7:30pm 


Jan 31-Feb 2

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)


Tech/Dress Rehearsals FEB 3-6 (NO ABSENCES PERMITTED):

Mon, Feb 3 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Tue, Feb 4 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Wed, Feb 5 • 3:30pm-6:30pm

Thu, Feb 6 • 3:30pm-6:30pm


Jan Feb 7-9

Fri & Sat at 6pm, Sat & Sun at 2pm (tickets $15)

Before you Register…


Auditions help our directors assign roles for the show. All participants to registered for the program receive a role in the production. Audition songs will be provided on our website.   Remember, we are rooting for you! 


About Casting

Our goal is to provide participants the tools they need to participate in an ensemble, and have a fantastic time learning and growing in this group process. We aim to provide as much stage time as possible to every participant, and encourage our cast members to be part of an ensemble group no matter what role they are cast to play. We’re here to enjoy the experience! The casting process takes into consideration various factors including presentations at audition, experience, training, passion, growth, commitment to rehearsals and practice, roles previously played, and last but definitely not least, the chemistry of the cast over all. Please encourage your child to embrace their casting, and remember, there are no small parts!


All OYES rehearsals/classes for all ages are closed, “drop-off” classes. There will be no parent/friend observation or participation in any class at any time. Classes provide final showcases or fully-staged public performances for this purpose)

Participation Policies

We know it is a big commitment of your time, trust and resources to register your student for an OYES program. Please review the information below before registering!

Cancellations — Since resources are committed to staffing, licensing/royalties, and materials well before a program takes place, all OYES tuition, deposits, and installment payments are, generally speaking, non-refundable. To avoid disappointment later, please fully review the following policy details:


Students are expected to attend all rehearsals (including Saturdays).

Absences & SCHEDULE Conflicts

  • Each cast member is permitted a maximum of 2 planned absences (conflicts) for the Fall Session.

  • All participants will complete a "conflict form" prior to their audition. The conflict form with all planned absences is required before the first rehearsal. CONFLICTS DUE BY AUDITIONS. Additional conflicts may only be added with permission from the Director.

  • Conflicts provided at Auditions are considered “excused”. Unplanned absences are not excused.

  • Emergency or Sick-Days are excused.

  • Absences are NOT PERMITTED during “Tech Week” (the week of rehearsals leading up to performances)

Unavailability for rehearsals can seriously affect rehearsal planning!  We can not add conflicts later.  All conflicts are due before the first rehearsal.  The rehearsal schedule will be set and all actors will be expected to attend as planned. If the actor misses a rehearsal that is planned around their scheduled availability, it is the actors responsibility to "catch up".  Private rehearsal time with the directors is $45/hr. 


OYES is a nonprofit organization supported by a team of volunteer participation.  


Parents or Guardians sign up for one or more Volunteer roles -- from Leadership Opportunities, to easy one-time-only spots. Volunteers will be needed for set-building, painting, poster distribution, costume fittings, props and sewing, box-office, concessions, and more!


Tuition fees are due at the time of registration. Payment plans are available.


You may cancel your program participation any time before the program begins, however, your cancellation must be received in writing within 48 hours of registration to receive a cash refund minus a $25 cancellation fee. After the 48-hour grace period, you may receive a refund (minus the $25 fee) in the form of an account credit to be used toward future OYES programming.

  • If there are not enough students enrolled in a class, OYES reserves the right to cancel the class and provide a full cash refund. 

  • There are no refunds or credits for missed classes. No refunds should a class be cancelled due to circumstances beyond OYES’ control (natural disaster, pandemic, etc.). 

national emergency-RELATED PROGRAM CHANGES

If a county, statewide, or national emergency make it impossible for OYES to continue in-person instruction or showcases, OYES will make every effort to move all programs and/or showcases will move to an online/virtual format IF FEASIBLE. WE RESPECTFULLY ASK THAT YOU DO NOT REGISTER FOR AN OYES PROGRAM IF YOU/YOUR STUDENT ARE UNWILLING TO PARTICIPATE IN AN ONLINE FORMAT SHOULD THE NEED ARISE. There will be NO refunds.


Tuition • Lions, Tigers, Bears

2 payments of 280.00 (First payment is due at registration). Use discount code PAY2 to split the fee into 2 installments. You will receive an invoice for the second payment , which will be due by November 5th.

— OR —

1 payment of $560 (due at registration)

Costume Fee $35  (due by auditions). The costume fee includes costume attire, accessories, masks, props, wigs, stage make-up/paint, make-up supplies.  Does not include shoes or undergarments.

Tuition • MONKEYS

2 payments of 180.00 (First payment is due at registration). Use discount code PAY2 to split the fee into 2 installments. You will receive an invoice for the second payment , which will be due by November 5th.

— OR —

1 payment of $360 (due at registration)

Costume Fee $35  (due by auditions). The costume fee includes costume attire, accessories, masks, props, wigs, stage make-up/paint, make-up supplies.  Does not include shoes or undergarments.


OYES is working hard towards our goal of providing expanded access to our programs through the scholarship process. As we continually work to fully replenish our scholarship funding through grants and fundraising resources, we ask that you consider our payment plan options prior to applying for a scholarship to help with tuition fee costs. We welcome scholarship applications for those in need!

Scholarships: To begin your scholarship application please email DEADLINE: SEP 6

Sibling Discount: 10% – When two or more siblings are registered for the same program, or for programs taking place in the same session. Applicable to all registered siblings in the same program/session. Message

Education Enrichment Partner Discounts: OYES offers 10% discount to students enrolled at our partnering schools, to which we provide regular programming. Discounts are currently available for students enrolled at Valley Oak Charter.


REGISTRATION OPENS THU, AUG 15. There will be an early bird window for returning families from 7am-10am. Early bird link will be emailed directly (7am).

General registration on the website will open at 10am.


Please join the waitlist.